ct landscaper

Landscaping for Every Type of Yard

Landscaping can be as simple or as complex as you want it. You can leave your yard plain and just mow the grass every week or so in the spring and summer months. You can throw wild flower seeds in your back yard and call it done if you want. You can spend a fortune on waterfalls, outdoor kitchens, or mosaic walkways. Most people fall somewhere in the middle of those extremes. A well manicured lawn with some trees or flowers in the front yard is about average for the general population. Some people plant a vegetable garden in the back yard and may have a patio or a deck for outside picnics.

It can be hard work to maintain a lawn, so many people hire a landscaper to take care of their lawn for them. The days of getting a neighborhood kid to mow your lawn once a week for $10.00 are long gone. Today, you have to shop around for a landscaper and compare prices and services. These can vary, depending on where you live and how big of a yard you have. A ct landscaper can charge a higher price in some areas than in others, as landscapers can in every other State as well.

If you have a huge yard or business property, the type of landscaping you choose can make a difference in the cost to maintain it. A big yard or area surrounding an apartment building, for example, can get expensive, if there is a large lawn to mow and trees to trim around and gardens to maintain and weed. It may look nice, but it may not be worth the maintenance costs.

There is an option for large spaces that will not cost you a fortune to put down or maintain. It is called bark blowing and it spreads decorative bark mulch over your property quickly and cost effectively. It can also reach hard to get at places with no problem. You would need to find a landscaper with the proper truck for connecticut bark blowing, but after that you would be all set. Mulch retains moisture, slows weed growth, and helps control erosion. You can get most any kind of bark mulch spread, so you can have the look you want.

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